Friday, March 28, 2008

vote for zoe!

Shameless plug for artist extraordinaire and dear friend Zoe Pawlak. Her artwork has made into the second round of Art Interview's international online artist competition! Vote for her art and help a great up-and-coming Canadian artist stay in the competition!

In the online blogging world, you can see Zoe's art featured on desire to inspire and design*sponge.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just Pretty...

My kids are on spring break and we are enjoying our week off...a few picture I came across that made me oooo and ahhh...see ya all next week!!

more traceyj

Guess who just ordered her second traceyj print?

What can I say? It's gorgeous and the thought of it on my wall just brightened up my thursday morning.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

cows grazing in the rumpus room

I LOVE this article. Seriously. Wouldn't it be AMAZING if our city streets were filled (and I mean full filled) with community gardens and herb planters and front-yard hobby farms? Our air would be cleaner, our meals would be healthier (and cheaper), our cities would be beautiful and I'm pretty sure people would be happier. Okay, so maybe that last bit is just because I know I'd be happier if I were playing in a garden all day instead of sitting inside in front of a computer, but I'm pretty sure that happiness would spread. Urban garden utopia! Who's with me?

Read this inspiring and realistic (yes, seriously) article in the New York Times here.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Dreaming of Summer

The weather is finally warming up here and I can't help but notice how much my mood has improved over the last few days. I find myself thinking about the outdoors all the time! Have a great weekend everyone and HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the greening of wal-mart

Intriguing. I read this article today and now I want to know more. Adam Werbach's got the right idea if you ask me.

pre-summer grilling

If you're like me and still stuck in waist-high snow drifts, you're probably craving summer and all things summerish - bbqs, flip flops, beaches, HEAT... My mind has been stuck in this day-dreamy state for at least a month already, so when I came across this little number, I immediately began day-dreaming up a winter indoor 'party like it's summertime' shindig that would be so complimentary to this cute little grill. And the best part: when the snow finally does disappear, the grill doesn't have to - it can be carried to the beach to use for a much-deserved 'party because it finally IS summer!' party :)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

One Room Living Kitchen

A while back I did a post on a 400 square foot apartment. I never did see the kitchen of this tiny little gem but recently received some photos of it (thanks Annie!!) If you want to see the original post just click the title of this post. Its a amazingly stylish little place!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I love when people think outside the box when decorating their space. These 3 bedrooms are great examples! Have a great weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Looking for a Apartment in NYC???

Check out this video for some help..
(just click on post title)

Thanks Stephaine!

you are beautiful

"You Are Beautiful is a simple, powerful statement which is incorporated into the over absorption of mass media and lifestyles that are wrapped in consumer culture.

The intention behind this project is to reach beyond ourselves as individuals to make a difference by creating moments of positive self realization. We're just attempting to make the world a little better.

Intention is the most important aspect of the You Are Beautiful project in its idea of purity. Nothing is sacred. Everything that has a perceived value becomes commodified. We work extremely hard that this message is received as a simple act of kindness, and nothing more."

(photo by *Zara)

arte luise kunsthotel

The New York Times was referring to the Arte Luise Kunsthotel when it wrote, "Berlin is worth a visit for this art hotel experience alone". While I can think of many reasons for visiting Berlin, this certainly looks like a good one to add to the list. Each room is designed and decorated by an accomplished artist, resulting in a smorgasbord of bedroom experiences - from gorgeous to downright scary. Check them all out here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

clock girl kelly

Wow! These handcrafted clocks by kelly are too gorgeous to limit myself to one image. To quote her own bio, "For many designers, form follows function is a cardinal rule-never to be broken. While Kelly believes this a basic principle of dimensional design, she also sees functionality as the bridge to an expression of art, feeling, style and passion. It is from this perspective that Kelly's design interest moved from a whimsical illustration style to the exploration of dimensional design and creation of time pieces–an integral part of our daily lives". Nice. But seriously, whatever her creative motives, these clocks are probably some of the most enticing and darling time-pieces I've ever seen...

garnish home

Garnish (home) makes great jewelry recycled from off cuts of the furniture industry. Pretty! Garnish (home) was started by a Vancouver-based graduate of the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design whose jewelry can be found on etsy and whose furniture line can be found at

jenny hurth

Thanks to Dawn Marie for suggesting another recycled bagger: Jenny Hurth is a San Francisco-based, garbage-turned-goodies creative force who, like the Commercial Drive Business Society, has seen the eco-sense of recycling vinyl banners from trade shows and municipal advertising into reusable bags and more (like the notebook pictured above). To quote their website, 'It is our goal to make beautiful and practical items out of what has been discarded'.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Outside Dining

Staying lighter out longer, check. Temps going up, check. Pretty outdoor pictures starting to crop up, check. Feeling better already....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

from flags to bags

Coolio! And yet ANOTHER reason why I love Vancouver so much... the Commercial Drive district of Vancouver, BC beckons Vancouverites and out-of-towners to it's cool strip of fashion boutiques and yummy eateries by flying eye-catching flags and banners along the drive every year. Realizing the imcredible amount of waste this causes when it comes time to toss the old flags and bring in new ones, the Commercial Drive Business Society has decided to turn the used flags into reusable shopping bags - the sales of which go towards the creation of new green spaces in the area. Awesome! Love it! Love Vancouver! Go baby go! You rock! (Wow - that's a lot of enthusiasm for 7:45am - maybe it has something to do with the ice storm taking place outside my Ottawa windows right now). Yes Vancouver, I miss you. Find out more about the initiative and the ecological damage it's avoiding by the 'flags to bags' project here.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Summer Time Rooms

These room give off a very summer time feel to me. Perhaps its all the white and the brightness or maybe because it reached 80 degrees today and its suppose to snow on tuesday...(enough winter already) I'm in full "I WANT SUMMER" mode!