I found this image on
AT today. The blog spot highlights the whimsical botanical sculptures, but what really grabbed my attention and made me want to archive this for future use was the pale blue painted interior window frames - I LOVE how that looks with the white interior. AND I do believe I'm going to copy it in my new apartment.
Yes - new apartment. I found one! I can move in immediately if I want to because it's currently empty, but I still have some time in my current place, so I'm going to make the transition at a nice, balanced pace that will allow me to get in and clean and paint and prep before I begin the decorating and furniture move.
The apartment is a studio with a separate kitchen and it's a great space. As per my preferred types of living spaces, it is in a 130 year old heritage building and it boasts high ceilings, hardwood floors and...(this is where the blue trimmed window frames come in) a large bay window in the main room. The three large, high window panes are framed by old, unpainted wood right now, but the landlord gave me free reign over the apartment when it comes to painting and fixing up (it's a fixer-upper of the best sort), so they will soon be painted to look like the frames in the above photo. Fun!
I am very excited about my new, full-of-potential-and-possibilities space and can't wait to get started. Expect many before and after photos.