Wednesday, January 16, 2008

ideal bite

Despite the fact that I supported calling decor mags 'home porn' in an earlier post, I still have a handful of said porn being delivered to my mailbox on a monthly basis (hey, at least I can admit it).

Arriving home last night after a 24 hour quick trip to Toronto for work (the kind of regular work trip that is making my eco footprint look like it belongs to a giant!), it was a nice surprise to find the latest domino waiting for me alongside my bills (ugh) and flyers (straight into the recycling box they go).

So after feeding my cats (they dig their new organic food) , cleaning out their litter box (eco-friendly litter which they and I love - I know you wanted to know that ;) and giving them a solid snuggle, I poured myself some wine, lit a scented soy candle, hopped in the bath (water resource intensive I know - but afterwards I used the bathwater to water my plants! I wonder if they'll start smelling like Body Shop vanilla shower gel?) and relaxed while flipping through my new mag.

It was full of lovely interiors and fun ideas of course, but the article that really got my attention was an interview with Jen Boulden (photo above from domino) about her sassy green website and blog,

The interview is fun, inspiring and realistic - clearly I'm already a convert - look! I've even added a link to her daily tips to my blog (see right column - hard to miss :). It's great to see women like Jen (intelligent, beautiful and convicted) living their life with such purpose (read her personal story of how she got to where she is now).

It seems like these kinds of stories have been waiting for me around every corner lately and they're piling up alongside my own personal convictions and have got me thinking about and planning for some major changes of my own. They're very exciting plans, but too early to be revealed! In the meantime, articles like the one I read last night help keep my inspire-fire burning.


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